Is nuclear energy for indonesia suitable???

Electricity is so vital for Indonesia Daily live. Electricity is so vital to our economy and our of live that a shortage of electricity is unthinkable. Yet some parts of our country are already experiencing brownouts during peak periode of demand. The question is "will we run out ??". the question is "what price will we have to pay it??? ".
Our electricity demand will outgrow our present supply. It's only matter of time. Indonesia goverment believe that our current generating capacity may not be enough to supply our peak electrical demand for 7o years later. Our electricity was produce from the oil. we know, oil is so expensive and the price is unstable. We need new energy that cheaper than oil. And maybe the best solution is using nuclear, and wind turbin. Maybe the readers ask me "why the best new energy are nuclear and wind turbin??". The answer is because nuclear and wind turbin produce clean product and condition of our country is maritime. Moreover, our country has many professor that excelent in nuclear and wind turbin. The problem is about the foundation that goverment has given is not enough for research.
In other country like japan and america were using nuclear energy for along time. Nuclear energy is already America's second largest source of electricity after coal. By the reducing the using foreign oil, it was save alot of money. Nulcear energy reduces America's dependence on foreign oil, not only at electric power plants, but wherever electricity replaces oil. It supplies a large part of electricity that our economy needs to prosper.

the first posting

hello... this is my first posting using blog to show my opinion to the world. In this world many people have problem. if we look from our self, we could find the problem that make us crazy. i have problem when i was child. I wasn't have any confident to study, because i was stupid. when i studying in university, i never get 100 in exam. i don't know what is wrong with my self, but for me i must do what i could do with my best.
i live in indonesia, the country with more than 200.000 people. only some people that have good education in university. i must give thanks a lot to Allah SWT that is gave me chance to study in one of university in indonesia. when i writing this posting, i found some idea to increase value the people who have good education however they don't have enough money. one of them is teaching in informal school. to operate this program we must work with goverment, institution of education, students(undergraduate, pastgraduate or doktor). i think in indonesia have many people who have good education and talent for it. Maybe it is not as simple like i think, but we must try it.